Important Tips on Choosing the Best Shower Cubicles with Tray

The Shower cubicles with tray is quickly replacing bathtubs in contemporary bathroom settings. In today's fast-paced world, not everyone has time for a bath. Therefore, a refreshing shower can be a quick way to feel good at the start of the day. Therefore, a shower is a must-have fixture for a modern bathroom.

shower cubicles with tray

We have discussed few important tips that will help you with this topic 

Shower Cubicles with Tray Design Options

The first and most important consideration about shower enclosures is that you should choose the design carefully. This choice is often difficult to make because many people know little about the different choices they have. It is also confusing because there are multiple variations of shower cubicles, from small to large sizes. It mostly based these variations on their shapes. However, you may find some vendors who can provide you customized enclosures as per your own desire. But it will cost significantly higher then ranges already available in the market. Your choice should be suitable for the space where you want to install it. Different available shapes include square, quadrant, offsite quadrant, and rectangular. If you have a small bathroom, then probably quadrant shower cubicles would be a better choice. However, it all depends on what you want and how much space you have available in the bathroom.

Shower Cubicle with Tray Door Options

The second most important consideration about Shower cubicles with tray is the choice of door. Similar to different styles of enclosures, doors are also available in different shapes. So, it is another possibly confusing matter for most of the people. Each door is different in terms of the advantages it offers. Your choice includes pivot, which is a swinging door, sliding, bifold etc. The major difference between them is their working mechanism. You must choose the door depending on the style of your enclosure and bathroom size. 

For example, a pivot door requires clearance space outside that can be a problem for small space bathrooms. You should prefer them for medium or large size space where you want bigger entry point into the enclosure. Bifold or sliding doors can be used in all small to large bathrooms. However, you must ensure that if you are using those doors there will be rollers that will operate in sliding or folding them. These rollers must not be plastic material as you may have replaced them very often. Always check that rollers are durable and can work smoothly with no problem.

Glass Thickness Considerations for Shower Cubicle with Tray

Another important consideration about the shower cubicles with tray is the glass of the side panels. These collectively make the enclosure. The thickness of the glass matters a lot because, if it is so less then it may have risk of breakage while if its too thick then it will be very heavy. It is important to mention that experts believe that more thickness does not mean it is safer than others. So, the glass of the shower enclosure should have a reasonable thickness. Now the question arises, what is a reasonable thickness. We suggest the thickness of anything 6mm to 8 mm is safe for most of the enclosures. So you can choose any of the suggested thickness sizes. 

At Royal Bathrooms, we have shower enclosures with tempered safety glass that is highly reliable and don't break. Another important issue regarding glass is choosing between transparent and forged type. If you are concerned with your privacy and your bathroom is in use of other people then you must prefer forged glass. However, it will make your bathroom look occupied. Transparent glass makes your bathroom look spacious as you can see through it and the shower enclosure completely looks like part of the bathroom.

Buy Shower Cubicles with Tray from Royal Bathrooms UK

For buying Shower Cubicles with Tray, there is a number of important considerations. The above mentioned are the tips regarding the most important matter in buying the right shower enclosure. You will need to choose the enclosure design and then the door design and glass thickness. In case you want to buy a shower enclosure for your bathroom, then you must check the vast range of enclosures available at the Royal bathroom's website.


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